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ABOUT Kishola Creations

Know that girl that can't decide what she likes to do more?

Science or Art;

to dance or to ride her motorbike;

to bake muffins in her kitchen or transform hot liquid glass into a beautifull object;

sew a new dance outfit or make a piece of jewelry out of some grains of silver and copper.

play the guitar and sing along or knit a new cardigan.  

Well, that's me, Tina Kishola.

And I decided I don't really have to decide.

I can do it all.

Not all at the same time of course. 

That would be messy and dangerous.

But one at the time. With a bit of time management one can get a lot done in 24 hours!

On this site you can discover some of the results of my creative exploits. And some of them are even on sale, because I have so many and could do with some space and funds to make some more :-).

If you have some question or would like something custom made, don't hesitate to send me a message through the contact page on this site.

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